2.動くがん追跡、治療 島津製と北大、システム共同開発
4.がん遺伝子に転移抑制機能 名古屋大教授ら仕組み解明
5.膵炎予防につながる因子 長崎大グループが確認
6.肺腺がん遺伝子:転移抑制の機能 名大教授ら発見
9.「親切遺伝子」の有無、初対面でも判別可能 研究
10.個別指導で開業医自殺、厚生局に疑問 - 新潟県医師会副会長・吉沢浩志氏に聞く◆Vol.2
14.ヘルスケア施設関連C. difficile感染と保菌、宿主因子と病原菌因子が異なる
23.Liver implant gives boy 'another chance of life'
24.9/11 First Responders May Face Greater Heart Risks
25.Study Finds Link Between Low IQ, Large Waistline
26.Alcoholics More Likely to Die of Cancer: Study
27.Whole-Body Vibration Doesn't Build Bone After All: Study
28.High Doses of Statins Tied to Less Arterial Plaque in Study
29.Got High Blood Pressure? Kiwi Fruit May Help
30.Heart Patients Using Vitamins May Take Meds Improperly
31.Pneumonia Most Common Infection After Heart Surgery
32.Low Vitamin D May Increase Stroke, Heart Attack Risk in Women
33.No Benefit From Niacin for Heart Patients in Study
34.Cholesterol Drug Shows Promise in Early Research
36.中央社会保険医療協議会 総会(第206回)
37.中央社会保険医療協議会 薬価専門部会(第73回)
1) 北大と島津が「次世代高精度放射線治療のための新動体追跡システム」を開発
2) 「入院患者の持参薬の取扱い」の調査結果について
3) 身体への負担が少ないがん粒子線治療装置
4) 次世代陽子線がん治療装置開発に関する包括的共同研究の成果を発表
2.動くがん追跡、治療 島津製と北大、システム共同開発
4.がん遺伝子に転移抑制機能 名古屋大教授ら仕組み解明
5.膵炎予防につながる因子 長崎大グループが確認
6.肺腺がん遺伝子:転移抑制の機能 名大教授ら発見
AFPBB News2011年11月16日
ACAAIのスタンリー・ファインマン(Stanley Fineman)次期代表は、芳香剤やキャンドルは「アレルギー症状を誘発したり、既存アレルギーを悪化させるうえ、ぜんそくを悪化させる危険がある」と、同学会の声明文で述べた。
AFPBB News2011年11月15日
定期的な歯石除去は歯を美しくするだけでなく、心臓発作や脳卒中のリスクも下げる可能性があるとする研究結果が、13日に米フロリダ(Florida)州オーランド(Orlando)で開かれたアメリカ心臓協会(American Heart Association、AHA)の学会で発表された。
台湾の台北栄民総医院(Taipei Veterans General Hospital)の研究チームは、10万人以上を平均で7年間にわたって追跡した。
9.「親切遺伝子」の有無、初対面でも判別可能 研究
AFPBB News2011年11月15日
特定の遺伝形質を持っている人は、持っていない人より、親切で思いやりがある。見ず知らずの人も、この遺伝形質の有無を即座に判別することができる――。こうした実験結果が、14日の米科学アカデミー紀要(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences、PNAS)に発表された。
米オレゴン州立大(Oregon State University)の研究チームは、23組のカップルの遺伝子型を測定した上で、実験を試みた。カップルの片方に、これまでの人生で辛かった経験をもう片方に語ってもらい、この様子をフィルムに収めた。
論文を執筆したカナダ・トロント大(University of Toronto)のアレクサンドル・コーガン(Aleksandr Kogan)氏は、「以上の結果は、遺伝子のごくわずかな相違でも行動面に目に見えるような影響を及ぼしうること、そして、こうした行動の違いに他者は即座に気付くことを示している」と述べた。
10.個別指導で開業医自殺、厚生局に疑問 - 新潟県医師会副会長・吉沢浩志氏に聞く◆Vol.2
M3 2011年11月16日
畑埜 義雄(和歌山県立医大名誉教授)
これに対して厚生労働省は、導入実現に向け、論点の整理や代替案の提示を続けてきた。9月16日の医療保険部会では、「医療保険でカバーする病気の範囲は変わらないので、受診時定額負担は保険免責制とは異なる」「家計の負担にならない程度の低額の負担であれば、従来の自己負担の設定の考え方を変えるものではない」「外来受診の適正化の実現を踏まえて、紹介状を持たずに大病院(主に200床以上)を外来受診した場合に限って定額負担を求めてはどうか。全外来での100円徴収により想定される財源額を仮にこのやり方で全て賄うとすれば、初診1回につき7000~1万円程度の負担となる」「高額療養費の増加により保険財政が悪化したからといって受診時定額負担を増額することは想定しておらず、100円で据え置く」といった説� �や提案を繰り返した。
【原題】Echocardiography Before Noncardiac Surgery Doesn't Improve Outcomes
Journal Watch Hospital Medicine日経メディカル2011年11月16日
Propensity analysis of Canadian administrative databases showed no benefit.
Echocardiography (echo) is sometimes performed before patients undergo noncardiac surgery, but do echo results predict survival or length of hospital stay? In this analysis of large Canadian administrative databases, investigators found that approximately 15% of patients who underwent intermediate-to-high―risk procedures such as aortic aneurysm repair, hip or knee replacement, or nephrectomy underwent rest echo within 6 months before their procedures.
The researchers used propensity matching, a statistical technique designed to facilitate comparison between only those echo recipients and nonrecipients whose baseline clinical and demographic characteristics were otherwise similar. Echo was associated with higher mortality at 30 days (relative risk, 1.14) and 1 year (RR, 1.07), as well as with longer hospital stays.
Echocardiography was performed in a substantial minority of patients who underwent noncardiac surgery but was not associated with better outcomes; rather, it was associated with small but measurably higher 30-day and 1-year mortality and longer length of stay. This finding mirrors earlier smaller analyses. Because this was not a randomized trial, causality cannot be determined, and the reasons for the association between echo and higher mortality are unclear. Finally, this study certainly doesn't rule out use of preoperative echo in certain subsets of patients, such as those with suspected aortic stenosis or those with unexplained dyspnea.
― Kirsten E. Fleischmann, MD, MPH, Journal Watch General Medicine
Wijeysundera DN et al. Association of echocardiography before major elective non-cardiac surgery with postoperative survival and length of hospital stay: Population based cohort study. BMJ 2011 Jun 30; 342:d3695. (
14.ヘルスケア施設関連C. difficile感染と保菌、宿主因子と病原菌因子が異なる
ヘルスケア施設関連での集団下痢症の主な原因であるClostridium difficile(C. difficile)感染症について、感染と保菌では、宿主因子および病原菌因子が異なることが明らかにされた。施設関連の同感染については、無症候でも保菌が認められる場合がある。カナダ・McGill大学ヘルスセンターのVivian G. Loo氏らが、カナダの6つの病院で15ヵ月間にわたり、C. difficile感染症患者と保菌患者の宿主因子および細菌因子の同定を行った前向き研究の結果、報告した。NEJM誌2011年11月3日号掲載報告より。
対象病院の患者に関して、人口統計学的情報、既知のリスク因子、潜在的な交絡因子などの情報収集と、週1回の便検体または直腸スワブの収集を行い解析した。C. difficile分離株の遺伝子型の同定はパルスフィールドゲル電気泳動法(PFGE)にて行い、C. difficile毒素AおよびBの血清抗体値測定なども行った。
ヘルスケア施設関連C. difficile感染例は117例(2.8%)、保菌例は123例(3.0%)だった。
ヘルスケア施設関連C. difficile感染例は、「より高齢」「抗菌薬・PPI使用」と有意な関連が認められた。
第VIII因子インヒビターを有する重症血友病A患者に対し、乾燥人血液凝固因子抗体迂回活性複合体(AICC、商品名:ファイバ)を予防的に投与することで、関節内出血およびその他の部位での出血頻度が有意に低下することが明らかになった。予防的投与の安全性も確認された。米国・チュレーン大学ルイジアナセンターのCindy Leissinger氏らによる前向き無作為化クロスオーバー試験「Pro-FEIBA」からの報告による。同患者は、重篤な出血性合併症リスク、末期関節症への進行リスクが高いことが知られる。AICCがそうした患者に対し出血を予防する可能性についてはこれまで散発的な報告はなされていたが、最適な投与方法については確立されていなかった。NEJM誌2011年11月3日号掲載報告より。
文献:Inducible Apoptosis as a Safety Switch for Adoptive Cell Therapy
文献:Jolly K et al.Comparison of range of commercial or primary care led weight reduction programmes with minimal intervention control for weight loss in obesity: Lighten Up randomised controlled trial.BMJ 2011; 343:d6500.
文献:Warde P et al.Combined androgen deprivation therapy and radiation therapy for locally advanced prostate cancer: a randomised, phase 3 trial.The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 3 November 2011.
文献:Rini BI et al.Comparative effectiveness of axitinib versus sorafenib in advanced renal cell carcinoma (AXIS): a randomised phase 3 trial.The Lancet, Early Online Publication, 4 November 2011.
文献:Ramsey BW et al.A CFTR Potentiator in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis and the G551D Mutation.N Engl J Med 2011; 365:1663-1672.
宮内 崇(山口大学医学部附属病院先進救急医療センター)
熱傷187人のうち、化学熱傷や気道熱傷のみ、2日未満の退室、蘇生対象外、来院時心肺停止、データ不足を除いた47人を対象とした。体重61±14 kg、熱傷面積25.9±15.7%、burn indexは16.9±11.7であった。重症32人、中等症12人、軽症3人であった(Artzの基準)。気道熱傷合併例は12人、死亡例は3人であった。24時間の総輸液量は9,291± 4,981 mLであった。
結 果
考 察
結 果
(5)来院時の合併症:発症から来院まで48時間以上経過した6人は全例、著明な脱水(BUN高値)および圧迫性皮膚障害(pressure ulcer)を認めた。多発性皮膚潰瘍を認めた症例(84歳男性、脳梗塞にて左不全麻痺あり)では、健側の右半身を下に倒れているところを発見され、右半身に多発性皮膚潰瘍を認めた。左不全麻痺により体勢を変えられなかったものと思われた。脳梗塞急性期治療の終了後、皮膚科に転科し植皮術を施行された。
23.Liver implant gives boy 'another chance of life'
BBC News2011年11月15日
Doctors in London say they have cured a baby boy of a life-threatening disease which was destroying his liver.
They implanted cells which acted like a temporary liver, allowing the damaged organ to recover.
The team at King's College Hospital in south London say the technique is a world first.
Eight-month-old Iyaad Syed now looks the picture of health - but six months ago he was close to death. A virus had damaged his liver causing it to fail.
Instead of going on a waiting list for a transplant, doctors injected donor liver cells into his abdomen.
These processed toxins and produced vital proteins - acting rather like a temporary liver.
The cells were coated with a chemical found in algae which prevented them from being attacked by the immune system.
After two weeks his own liver had begun to recover.
Professor Anil Dhawan, a liver specialist at King's College Hospital, says the whole team at the hospital is delighted:
"This is the first time this treatment has been used to treat a child with acute liver failure. It's only a few months back when I first saw this child who was so sick requiring support on dialysis and a breathing machine.
"We think we have given him another chance of life and seeing him now six months down the road with nearly normal liver function is remarkable."
Dr Ragai Mitry, Head of Liver Processing at King's, who helped in developing the technique, said:
"We are very pleased the transplanted liver cells have helped in supporting and delivering the missing metabolic functions of Iyaad's failing liver."
Iyaad's father, Jahangeer, said his son was "a miracle boy". He added: "Once he had the treatment after 48 hours he started to get better and hope came back. It is brilliant and we are very proud of him."
Clinical trials
The question now is whether the technique could be used to benefit other patients with acute liver failure. The team at King's is urging caution - a large clinical trial is needed to test the effectiveness of the technique.
A key benefit over a liver transplant is that Iyaad will not need to take anti-rejection drugs known as immuno suppressants.
Andrew Langford, Chief Executive of the British Liver Trust, said: "The principle of this new technique is certainly ground-breaking and we would welcome the results of further clinical trials to see if it could become a standard treatment for both adults and children.
"Sadly, we have reached a breaking point with our transplant list in the UK, where approximately 100 people die waiting for a donor liver to become available each year."
King's College Hospital is part of King's Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centres (AHSC), a collaboration of five academic health centres in London, which aims to accelerate the transition of research from bench to bedside.
24.9/11 First Responders May Face Greater Heart Risks
Exposure to toxic dust cloud might lead to hardening of the arteries, study suggests
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
First responders who were exposed to the dust cloud during and immediately following the New York City terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, may be at increased risk for heart disease, experts warn.
Those Ground Zero workers who got there first may have breathed in even more of this toxic dust than those who came on the scene after Sept. 13, and may be at greater risk for heart disease as a result, according to new findings slated for presentation Tuesday at the annual meeting of the American Heart Association in Orlando, Fla.
Researchers from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City examined the integrity of the blood vessel walls in 31 Ground Zero workers. The 19 men and women who were there during the first two days showed greater damage to their blood vessel walls than their counterparts who arrived later.
"The workers who inhaled particulate matter at Ground Zero, especially those within the initial 'cloud,' received a much higher 'dose' of particulate matter, compared with inhaling air pollution," said study author Dr. Mary Ann McLaughlin, an associate professor of cardiology. These particles trigger inflammation in the lining of the artery walls (endothelium), which sets the stage for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), she said.
The new study did not look at whether or not these workers had more heart attacks or strokes than people who were not exposed to the toxic dust. Co-author Dr. Venkatesh Mani, an assistant professor of radiology, said it made sense that individuals with this type of damage to their blood vessel walls may be more likely to have heart attacks and strokes. Given these findings, first responders may need to pay close attention to their other heart disease risk factors, Mani said.
"Apart from living a healthy lifestyle and regularly following up with their physicians for routine examinations for cardiac assessment, these individuals will also benefit from follow-up MRI imaging on a regular basis, maybe once a year, to examine progression/regression of their [blood vessel] disease," he said.
Dr. Gordon F. Tomaselli, American Heart Association president, said exposure to particulate matter in the air and urban living do increase risk of atherosclerosis, but less is known about how long the exposure must last to do such damage. There are other unknowns about the exposures that took place at Ground Zero on Sept. 11 and beyond, he said.
"Rescue workers were under horrific psychological stress and this may have led them to change their behaviors," Tomaselli said. "The stress could have led to greater incidence of smoking and/or other unhealthy behaviors."
The first responders who rushed in to help may have also been less prepared than those who came on the scene during subsequent days and wore masks that could have limited their exposure, Tomaselli added.
"More exposure plus less protection equals greater risk," said Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a cardiologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. "The ones who were there early had a very high exposure to the particulate matter and there is a difference in their arteries," he said.
Dr. Elliott M. Antman, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, likened this level of exposure to "many years of cigarette smoking compressed over time."
Because this study was presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The U.S. National Institutes of Health has more on atherosclerosis.
SOURCES: Mary Ann McLaughlin, M.D., M.P.H., associate professor of cardiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City; Elliott M. Antman, M.D., professor of medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Stephen Kopecky, M.D., cardiologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.; Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D., chief of cardiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore and president, American Heart Association; Venkatesh Mani, Ph.D., assistant professor of radiology, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York City; Nov. 15, 2011, presentation, American Heart Association annual meeting, Orlando, Fla.
25.Study Finds Link Between Low IQ, Large Waistline
More men with low intelligence scores at 18 had unhealthy belly size at 40
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
Guys with low IQs may be at higher risk than brainiacs for later weight gain and added heart disease risk, a new study suggests.
Swedish men who had the lowest IQs at about age 18 had higher waist-to-hip ratios at age 40 than their peers who scored higher on those IQ tests. It's known that people with "apple-shaped" bodies, or more weight around the middle, are at higher risk for heart disease than those with "pear-shaped" bodies.
Exactly how or even if IQ during late adolescence affects waist size is not clearly understood, and U.S cardiologists caution that it is too early to draw any meaningful conclusions from the new data. The findings are scheduled for presentation Tuesday at the American Heart Association annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.
Study author Dr. Jerzy Leppert, a professor at the Center for Clinical Research of Uppsala University in Sweden, said the message is clear. "Present strategies that aim to stop the obesity epidemic should change focus ... and concentrate more on the group most likely to benefit, i.e. those with low IQ," Leppert said.
Of 34,400 people who took part in a health survey that measured waist-to-hip ratio on or around their 40th or 50th birthday, about 5,400 men had also taken an IQ test when they were about 18. IQ tests are mandated in Sweden. Men who had the lowest IQs as older teens had the highest waist-to-hip ratios at age 40, the study showed. By contrast, those who scored highest on the IQ tests had the lowest waist-to-hip ratios at age 40.
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a preventive cardiologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, said if the study is validated, doctors and other health educators may need to alter their approach to prevention.
"People who have a lower IQ may be less educated and have less of an understanding about how to eat healthy," she said. "We need to educate all people, not just those who might have greater access to healthy foods and/or higher IQs."
Dr. Stephen Kopecky, a cardiologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., said that it is hard to say what came first -- lower IQ or wider waistlines. Some research has linked low IQs or lower education levels to lower socioeconomic status. "We do know that it can be expensive to eat properly, and if you are a single parent of two kids who is struggling to pay the bills, it is hard to stretch the dollar," he said.
Healthy foods are often more expensive and harder to come by than unhealthy foods, he noted. Certain zip codes may also have more fast food restaurants, and fewer outdoor public spaces that are safe for activity. "This is a thought-provoking study that doesn't give us all the answers," Kopecky said.
American Heart Association President Dr. Gordon F. Tomaselli agreed. "You could argue that people with a lower socioeconomic status may not be in a position to hear messages where we broadcast them," Tomaselli said.
"We have to make our messages clear and straightforward and easy to understand," he added. This may include reaching out in non-traditional ways, including social media, he said.
Research presented at meetings should be considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed medical journal.
More information
For tips on how to measure waist-to-hip ratio, visit the American Heart Association.
SOURCES: Jerzy Leppert, M.D., Ph.D., professor, Center for Clinical Research, Uppsala University, Vasteras, Sweden; Stephen Kopecky, M.D., cardiologist, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.; Suzanne Steinbaum, D.O., preventive cardiologist, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; Gordon F. Tomaselli, M.D., chief, cardiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, and president, American Heart Association; Nov. 15, 2011, presentation, American Heart Association annual meeting, Orlando, Fla.
26.Alcoholics More Likely to Die of Cancer: Study
Alcohol itself and poor lifestyle choices both increase risks, researchers say
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
Alcoholics have a higher rate of death from cancer and other causes than other people, a new study finds.
Italian researchers examined data on nearly 2,300 male and female alcoholics who were treated at the Alcohol Center of Florence between 1985 and 2001.
They found a higher rate of death among alcoholics than among the general population for multiple types of cancers, particularly cancers of the pharynx, oral cavity, liver and larynx. Risk of death from cancer of the esophagus, rectum, pancreas and breast was also heightened among alcoholics.
Alcoholics were also more likely to die of infections, diabetes, violent crimes and diseases of the immunological, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems.
The findings appear online and in the February 2012 print issue of the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.
"Our study has provided strong evidence that alcohol addiction significantly increases the risk of death from several causes in comparison to the general population in a Mediterranean country...," corresponding author Domenico Palli, head of the nutritional and molecular epidemiology unit at the Cancer Research and Prevention Institute in Florence, said in a journal news release. "Alcohol's role as a 'dietary' carcinogen emerged quite clearly."
The researchers also found that female alcoholics had higher survival rates than male alcoholics, possibly because women are more likely to get help for alcoholism, Palli said.
Alcohol consumption causes about 4 percent of all deaths and 5 percent of all diseases worldwide, according to background information in the news release.
"Clearly alcohol abuse can compromise the structure and functionality of several human organs, thus directly increasing the risk of death," Palli concluded. "Other aspects of the characteristic lifestyle of alcoholics -- smoking, drug abuse, promiscuity and a poor diet -- may contribute to this high-risk pattern together with reduced health-consciousness."
More information
The U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism has more about alcohol and health.
SOURCE: Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, news release, Nov. 11, 2011
27.Whole-Body Vibration Doesn't Build Bone After All: Study
No benefit seen in high-risk postmenopausal women
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
A novel treatment known as whole-body vibration doesn't appear to improve the bone health of postmenopausal women who are at high risk of developing osteoporosis.
The treatment -- which involves standing on a motorized, vibrating platform in the hope of building bone mass -- showed promise in animals. But researchers, who hoped those results might translate to humans, found no benefit for women who used the platforms for a year, said study co-author Angela M. Cheung, an internist and director of the osteoporosis program at the University Health Network, University of Toronto.
"People should use strategies that have been proven" to prevent bone loss and osteoporosis, Cheung said. These include exercise and calcium and vitamin D supplements, she said. The vibrating platform "doesn't do anything, not for bone anyway," she added.
The theory behind whole-body vibration is that the gravitational force sends signals to bone cells that promote regrowth, leading to better bone health. Bone deterioration is of special concern to aging women, half of whom may sustain fractures because bone mass deteriorates rapidly after menopause, according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Vibration platforms, which cost about $3,000, have grown in popularity in recent years. Some health food stores and gyms make them available to patrons, Cheung said.
In the new study, published in the Nov. 15 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers randomly assigned about 200 postmenopausal women to one of three groups. Two groups used a low-magnitude, whole-body vibration platform at one of two speeds for a year, standing on it for 20 minutes a day. The third group did nothing out of the ordinary.
All the women had low bone mass, and all took calcium and vitamin D supplements. "We wanted to see if (the treatment) prevented bone loss or could increase bone mass," Cheung said.
After a year, there was no difference in rate of bone loss among the three groups, the researchers said.
However, Cheung cautioned that it's still unclear whether the treatment might affect bone in other groups of people, such as children.
Dr. Joseph Lane, professor of orthopedic surgery at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, said the study appears valid and debunks the use of whole-body therapy to treat bone loss. Currently, he said, bisphosphonate medications such as Fosamax are the best initial treatment for bone loss, while teriparatide (Forteo) is an alternative for patients who suffer from side effects on bisphosphonates.
Patients with osteoporosis are also beginning to take denosumab (Prolia), an injectable drug approved last year by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
More information
For more on osteoporosis, visit the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
SOURCES: Angela M. Cheung, M.D., Ph.D., staff general internist, Lillian Love Chair in Women's Health and director, Osteoporosis Program, University of Toronto, Canada; Joseph Lane, M.D., chief, metabolic bone disease service, Hospital for Special Surgery, and professor, orthopedic surgery, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York City; Nov. 15, 2011, Annals of Internal Medicine
28.High Doses of Statins Tied to Less Arterial Plaque in Study
Two-thirds of patients given high-dose Crestor or Lipitor had reduced buildup in vessel walls
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
High doses of the cholesterol-lowering statins Crestor and Lipitor reduced the amount of plaque in coronary arteries and reversed the progression of coronary artery disease, new research shows.
The study included 1,385 patients who took either 40 milligrams (mg) of Crestor (rosuvastatin) or 80 mg of Lipitor (atorvastatin) daily and were followed for two years.
The major finding was that the amount of coronary artery plaque fell 0.99 percent with Lipitor and 1.22 percent with Crestor. The difference between the two drugs is not statistically significant, the researchers noted.
"Regression of plaque has been the holy grail of heart disease treatment, and in this trial more than two-thirds of the patients had regression," lead researcher Dr. Stephen J. Nicholls, cardiovascular director of the Cleveland Clinic Coordinating Center for Clinical Research in Ohio, said in an American Heart Association news release.
"It's a very positive outcome for patients and shows the benefits of high doses of statins," Nicholls added.
The findings were to be presented Tuesday at the American Heart Association annual meeting in Orlando, Fla., and are published in the New England Journal of Medicine. The study was funded by AstraZeneca, which markets Crestor.
Among the other study findings:
Crestor reduced total plaque in 71.3 percent of patients and Lipitor reduced total plaque in 64.7 percent of patients.
Average levels of "bad" low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol were 62.6 mg/dL in patients taking Crestor and 70 mg/dL in patients taking Lipitor.
Average levels of "good" high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol were 50.4 mg/dL in patients taking Crestor and 48.6 mg/dL in patients taking Lipitor.
"The differences between the two drugs were modest and the difference in HDL levels was less than we were anticipating based on previous studies," Nicholls said in the news release.
The patients in this study had undergone coronary angiography, usually because they'd experienced chest pain and had abnormal results on a stress test.
In previous studies of patients who had similar characteristics and took lower doses of statins, 15 percent to 20 percent suffered a heart attack or stroke or required angioplasty to open a clogged artery over two years of follow-up. The rate of such events among patients in this new study was less than half of that.
"Doctors have been reluctant to use high doses of statins, but in this study the drugs were safe, well-tolerated and had a profound impact on lipid levels, the amount of plaque in vessel walls and the number of cardiovascular events," Nicholls said.
More information
The American Academy of Family Physicians has more about coronary artery disease.
SOURCE: American Heart Association, news release, Nov. 15, 2011
29.Got High Blood Pressure? Kiwi Fruit May Help
Small study found three a day lowered levels more than eating an apple a day
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
An apple a day won't necessarily keep the doctor away, but three kiwis just might help, at least according to a small study that showed that the brown, fuzzy fruit may lower blood pressure levels.
Men and women with mildly high blood pressure who ate three kiwi fruits a day for eight weeks had systolic blood pressure levels that were 3.6 millimeters of mercury lower than those of volunteers who ate an apple a day. Systolic blood pressure is the upper number in a blood pressure measurement.
Kiwis may be small, but they pack a lot of nutrition in their green flesh. They are rich in lutein, a potent antioxidant, and this may be what is responsible for their blood pressure-lowering powers, said researchers who were led by Mette Svendsen of Oslo University Hospital in Norway. The study was to be presented Tuesday at the American Heart Association's annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.
Cardiologists were quick to caution that there is no single magic food or ingredient that is the key to heart health, but they all agreed that kiwi may have a place in the five daily servings of fruit and vegetables that are currently recommended as part of a heart-healthy diet.
The new study included 50 men and 68 women with an average age of 55 who were randomly assigned to eat three kiwis or one apple a day for eight weeks. Participants had blood pressure levels in the mildly elevated range of 128/85 when the study began. A blood pressure reading that is less than 120/80 is considered ideal. They changed nothing in their diet other than adding the fruit. Researchers measured blood pressure via 24-hour ambulatory monitoring, which is thought to be more precise than measuring it during a single point in time.
The Oslo University Hospital funded the study.
"Three kiwi a day improved 24-hour blood pressure more than an apple a day," the researchers concluded.
So, is kiwi the new "wonder" fruit?
"There is biological plausibility, but I would not go and grab three kiwis a day," said Dr. Nehal Mehta, a preventive cardiologist at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. "They are not easy to find or one of those fruits that people readily grab."
Moderation is the key with kiwis or any food, he said. "Three kiwis a day or 21 kiwis a week does not seem like moderation, and I would caution against eating that much," he said.
The new study may just "put kiwis on the map," he said. "When we say 'eat more fresh fruit,' we stick to the tried-and-true or anything that is handheld and peeled, but these findings suggest that a kiwi can be part of a heart-healthy diet," he said.
In addition, the study looked at the whole fruit, not individual nutrients. Don't start popping lutein in supplement form based on these results, he noted.
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a preventive cardiologist with Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, agreed. "Kiwi is not the wonder fruit, but certainly adding kiwi to your diet can help decrease mildly high blood pressure levels."
Dr. Elliott M. Antman, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston, said that while promising, the new study is small. "Don't count on this to be the complete answer to high blood pressure," he said. Whatever you do, "do not stop taking your blood pressure medications without talking to your doctor," he added.
Because this study was presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The Dash diet is often recommended to lower blood pressure levels.
SOURCES: Suzanne Steinbaum, D.O., preventive cardiologist, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City; Nehal Mehta, preventive cardiologist, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Elliott M. Antman, M.D., professor, medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Nov. 15, 2011, presentation, American Heart Association annual meeting, Orlando, Fla
30.Heart Patients Using Vitamins May Take Meds Improperly
Many unaware that dietary supplements reduce effectiveness of warfarin, study shows
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
People with heart conditions who take vitamins may be less likely to take some of their other medications properly, according to a new study.
Researchers from the Intermountain Medical Center in Utah asked 100 people with an irregular heartbeat -- known as atrial fibrillation -- what they knew about warfarin (Coumadin), a commonly prescribed blood thinner. The patients were also asked how well they followed their prescription for the drug, and whether or not they also took vitamins or other supplements.
People taking warfarin need regular monitoring because too much of the drug can cause bleeding, and too little can allow blood clots to form, increasing the risk for stroke. In addition, diet also plays a role in warfarin's effectiveness.
The study, presented Monday at the American Heart Association's annual meeting in Orlando, Fla., found that 62 percent of patients who were prescribed warfarin took the drug with dietary supplements, potentially reducing its effectiveness. Of this group, 24 percent admitted that they even skipped doses of the anticoagulant drug, putting them at greater risk for stroke. Moreover, heart patients who took vitamins were 2 percent more likely to double their dose of warfarin, compared to those not taking supplements, which can increase their risk of bleeding.
The study also found that patients taking vitamins were less informed about potentially dangerous interactions between the supplements they were taking and warfarin. The researchers pointed out these patients had more episodes of unexplained bleeding, and needed more non-surgical transfusions.
The study's authors concluded that patients on prescription drugs should be more aware of the potentially negative side effects associated with taking dietary supplements.
"When you take a vitamin pill, you often are getting a much higher dose than you would by just eating a balanced diet. People don't realize that vitamins can be just as active as drugs, and, as we've seen here, mixing the two together can, in some cases, have adverse consequences for your health," said one of the study's authors, Dr. Jeffrey L. Anderson, director of cardiovascular research at Intermountain Medical Center's Heart Institute, in a news release from the medical center.
"This indicates to me that we physicians need to do a better job of educating our patients about vitamins and other supplements and how they interact with the medications we prescribe," Anderson added.
The study's authors cautioned that taking too many vitamins or too much of any one supplement could have negative health consequences.
"More and more studies are starting to show that excessive doses of some vitamins can increase the risk for serious diseases, including cancer," said Anderson. "As health care providers, we need to encourage caution when it comes to taking vitamins, as with any other medications."
Commenting on the study, Dr. Jack Ansell, chairman of the department of medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, pointed out that about 3 million people in the United States take warfarin. "Because its effect on blood clotting is variable in response to diet and other drugs, it requires routine monitoring. In fact, vitamin K is an antidote to warfarin, and this may have been included in some of the supplements patients were taking in the study," Ansell explained.
"It is not clear who was managing the warfarin therapy in these patients, but anticoagulation clinics tend to provide expert education, whereas such education is less likely to occur in the individual physician's office. This study highlights the importance of such education regardless of who manages the warfarin therapy," Ansell said.
Because this study was presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has more about dietary supplements.
SOURCES: Intermountain Medical Center, news release, Nov. 14, 2011; Jack Ansell, M.D., chairman, department of medicine, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City
31.Pneumonia Most Common Infection After Heart Surgery
Nearly half of serious infections occur 14 days after patients are discharged, study shows
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
Pneumonia is the most common infection following heart surgery, a new study shows.
The researchers also revealed that most infections occur about two weeks after an operation -- a week longer than previously thought. They are slated to present their findings Tuesday at the American Heart Association (AHA) annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.
"It's not what we expected to find," study author Dr. Michael Acker, chief of cardiovascular surgery at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center in Philadelphia, said in an AHA news release.
After examining more than 5,100 heart surgery patients, whose average age was 64, the researchers found a total of 742 infections. Of these, 278 infections were considered serious, including an intestinal infection known as C. difficile colitis, which affected 1 percent of patients. Bloodstream infections occurred in 0.7 percent of the patients, and 0.5 percent of patients had deep-incision surgical site infections. Pneumonia however, was the most common infection, occurring in 2.4 percent of the patients.
The study also revealed that 42 percent of all these major infections occurred after patients left the hospital.
"Half of these patients had no evidence of infection before they were discharged from the hospital," said Acker. "Then they had to return because of the new infection. One implication is that patients must be followed more closely after discharge."
The study authors noted that the most common surgical procedures were isolated coronary artery bypass graft and aortic and mitral valve surgeries. Nearly three-quarters of the operations were elective surgeries -- not emergencies.
The researchers said several risk factors could increase a surgical patient's risk for infection, including congestive heart failure, hypertension, chronic lung disease, using corticosteroids before surgery, how long patients stay in the hospital and how long patients are on cardiopulmonary bypass.
They said the next step is to research differences in care, such as types of surgical dressings, antibiotics and surgical preparations, to investigate which are associated with the lowest risk of infection.
A separate study, of 3,700 patients having cardiac defibrillators implanted, showed that special skin-preparation procedures, including an antibiotic wash and strict drying time, reduced infection rates from 1 percent to 0.24 percent a year after surgery.
Because both studies were presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The U.S. National Institutes of Health provides more information on pneumonia.
SOURCE: American Heart Association, news release, Nov. 15, 2011
32.Low Vitamin D May Increase Stroke, Heart Attack Risk in Women
Vitamin has anti-inflammatory effects on the arteries, researchers note
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
Low levels of vitamin D may put women at greater risk for heart attack and stroke, according to one of several new studies on the important nutrient.
After analyzing 16 years of data on more than 2,000 healthy, postmenopausal white women aged 45 to 58, researchers found that the 788 women with a vitamin D deficiency had more risk factors for heart disease than 1,225 women with normal levels of the vitamin. They were scheduled to present their findings Tuesday at the American Heart Association annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.
Women with low vitamin D levels had higher levels of triglycerides; higher fasting glucose; a higher body mass index; and lower HDL "good" cholesterol. The researchers noted 47 percent of the women who were deficient in vitamin D were smokers compared to 38 percent of the women with normal vitamin D levels.
About 15 percent of the women deficient in vitamin D either died or suffered heart failure, a heart attack or stroke during the study period compared to 10.2 percent of the women who did not have this deficiency.
Three other studies also looked at vitamin D's possible protective effects on the heart. One study found that people who took 4,000 units of vitamin D daily for five days following a severe heart event had less inflammation afterward than patients who didn't take the supplement.
A third study found that chest pain patients with low Vitamin D levels were more likely to die during the next two years than those with adequate levels of the nutrient.
Finally, a fourth study found that higher levels of vitamin D were associated with lower death rates from cardiovascular disease.
Because these studies were presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
More information
The U.S. National Institutes of Health provides more information on vitamin D.
SOURCE: American Heart Association, news release, November 15, 2011
33.No Benefit From Niacin for Heart Patients in Study
The vitamin may increase stroke risk, researchers find
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
Patients with cardiovascular disease who add niacin to the statin drug Zocor (simvastatin) to help lower their cholesterol get no additional clinical benefit, a new study finds.
Even though niacin appeared to increase HDL cholesterol -- the good cholesterol -- and decrease triglycerides, another type of fat in the blood, it did not reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke or death, the researchers found.
"The data we had previously on niacin was not very strong and mostly came from one very old study," said Dr. Robert Giugliano, from the cardiovascular medicine division at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, who was not involved with the study.
The report was published online Nov. 15 in the New England Journal of Medicine to coincide with the presentation of the findings at an American Heart Association meeting in Orlando, Fla.
Giugliano, who is author of an accompanying journal editorial, said the trial showed no benefit, but unexpectedly showed an increase in stroke. "Although that signal is not definite," he said.
The trial, called the Aim-High trial, was stopped in May, 18 months early because there was no proven benefit to niacin -- also known as vitamin B3 -- and an increased risk of stroke.
For the study, a team led by Dr. William Boden, a professor of medicine at the University of Buffalo in New York, randomly assigned more than 3,400 patients to receive high-dose, time-released niacin or a placebo. Patients in both groups took Zocor.
During an average follow-up period of three years, 16.4 percent of patients taking niacin had a heart attack, stroke, died from heart disease, were hospitalized or needed blocked arteries opened, compared with 16.2 percent of the patients receiving a placebo, the researchers found.
However, 1.6 percent of the patients taking niacin suffered a stroke, compared with 0.9 percent of patients taking the placebo.
Giugliano noted that another, larger trial of niacin is in progress, results of which are expected in 2013.
Niacin might be useful for patients who cannot take statins, he said. "So niacin may still have a role," he added.
However, Giugliano does not recommend patients start taking niacin. "One brand, Niaspan, sold almost $800 million worth last year. But, it's hard to support high-volume sales for a drug that doesn't have any good recent data to support it," he said.
The trial was funded by the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute with support from Abbott Laboratories, which provided the Niaspan. Drug maker Merck Pharmaceuticals provided the Zocor.
Another expert, Dr. Gregg Fonarow, a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and a spokesman for the American Heart Association, commented that "LDL-lowering with statin therapy dramatically lowers the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with established coronary heart disease."
It has been commonly held that raising HDL and lowering triglyceride levels would be beneficial, even among patients who have achieved optimal levels with statin therapy, he said. LDL is known as "bad cholesterol."
"AIM-High has demonstrated that among patients with established cardiovascular disease, there was no clinical benefit with the addition of extended release niacin to statin therapy despite increases in HDL and decreases in triglyceride. Further there was an unexpected increase in stroke risk with niacin," Fonarow said.
"These findings challenge the commonly held hypothesis that HDL raising and triglyceride lowering is of benefit to patients with coronary heart disease, though further studies are needed," he added.
Aggressive LDL-lowering with statin therapy remains the evidence-based, guideline-recommended, gold standard for benefiting patients with and at risk for cardiovascular disease, Fonarow said.
More information
For more on cardiovascular disease, visit the American Heart Association.
SOURCES: Gregg Fonarow, M.D., professor of cardiology, University of California, Los Angeles, spokesman for the American Heart Association; Robert P. Giugliano, M.D., Cardiovascular Medicine Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Nov. 15, 2011, presentation, American Heart Association annual meeting, Orlando, Fla.; Nov. 15, 2011, New England Journal of Medicine, online
34.Cholesterol Drug Shows Promise in Early Research
If proven, it could cut bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol, but more study needed
HealthDay News2011年11月15日
Preliminary trials indicate that a new drug designed to simultaneously boost good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol shows considerable promise, both on its own and in combination with standard statin medications.
The drug evacetrapib is part of a class of so-called "cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) inhibitors."
Evacetrapib is the second CETP medication to undergo testing as a means to lower "bad" low-density lipoprotein cholesterol while raising "good" high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
Testing of the first drug in this class -- Pfizer's torcetrapib -- ended badly. A 15,000-person trial of torcetrapib conducted several years ago revealed that the medication (administered in combination with the statin Lipitor) was associated with an elevated risk for cardiovascular complications and even death.
In that case, the trial was halted mid-stream and all patients were taken off the combination therapy immediately.
However, the failure of that drug has not discouraged researchers from continuing to explore the potential of CETP therapies. What's more, work with evacetrapib to date has unearthed no significant side effects, while suggesting that the drug can benefit patients both as an individual treatment and as part of a two-pronged approach in tandem with statins, according to the report published Nov. 16 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
"These preliminary findings suggest that evacetrapib could be administered with statins and may yield potentially clinically important incremental effects on lipoproteins," Stephen J. Nicholls, of the department of cardiovascular medicine and the coordinating center for clinical research at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, and colleagues noted in a journal news release.
"The results of the current study provide the foundation for a large phase 3 clinical trial designed to assess the efficacy and safety of evacetrapib," the study authors added.
The most recent testing of evacetrapib involved almost 400 patients who, between April 2010 and January 2011, were being treated for having either elevated bad cholesterol or low good cholesterol levels in health centers across the United States and Europe.
The patients were divided into several groups. For about three months, some received various dosages of evacetrapib alone. Others received one of several statins, either alone or in combination with evacetrapib. Still others were given sugar pills (placebo pills).
The results: after 12 weeks of treatment, the team observed that patients receiving evacetrapib alone experienced a boost in good cholesterol of between roughly 54 and 129 percent. Among this group, bad cholesterol also dropped, between approximately 14 to 36 percent.
The investigators also found that when given a combination therapy involving both evacetrapib and a statin, patients experienced even greater reductions in bad cholesterol. This tandem approach, however, did not produce better results than evacetrapib alone in terms of raising good cholesterol.
Commenting on the study, Dr. Murray A. Mittleman, director of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit with the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School in Boston, approached the findings with caution.
"This class of medicines is interesting because they can raise good cholesterol, often quite markedly," Mittleman said. "And most studies show that this can prevent heart attacks. And at this point we don't have very many good drugs that can accomplish this."
"But of course, work with an earlier agent showed an increase in adverse events, and the development of that drug had to be stopped prematurely," Mittleman noted. "So while the initial findings with this drug are interesting, a lot of work still remains to find out if it does what we hope it will do, or if in fact it will end up being more harmful than beneficial."
The results of the research were released early online to coincide with the presentation of the study at the American Heart Association's annual meeting in Orlando, Fla.
More information
For more on cholesterol, visit the American Heart Association.
SOURCES: Murray A. Mittleman, M.D., director, Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Journal of the American Medical Association, news release, Nov. 15, 2011
36.中央社会保険医療協議会 総会(第206回)
37.中央社会保険医療協議会 薬価専門部会(第73回)
1) 北大と島津が「次世代高精度放射線治療のための新動体追跡システム」を開発
2) 「入院患者の持参薬の取扱い」の調査結果について
3) 身体への負担が少ないがん粒子線治療装置
4) 次世代陽子線がん治療装置開発に関する包括的共同研究の成果を発表
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